Running To A Richer Life
Running To A Richer Life

Week 1 – Training Log

Each week I write my blog post on my daily runs, Orange Theory Fitness workout and my overall fitness journey along with anything else I might want to share. I update my weekly blog post on my weightless journey every Monday for the previous week. You can check out my vlog post that is documenting my journey into being fit, and living my best life.

Currently, I am unhealthy, I workout and eat ok for the most part. But I gained weight in graduate school and starting my own business. I problem drink too much and love eating a Buffalo Wild Wings a little too much. All this lead to me to steadily gaining weight, and I hit over 220 lbs earlier in 2018. I talk about my journey and why I started my website and youtube channel which you can watch here.

Weekly Weight – 201.2 lbs & 26.3% Body Fat

Monday 22nd

So far the purpose of this blog is working. I did not want to get out of bed this morning and go for a run. I sleep in till about 5:45 then I finally got out of bed and went for my morning run. The weather is feeling great in the mid 60’s, and It felt like a good run for the most part. About 2 miles into the 4-mile run, I left the bottom of my knee started to hurt. So I slowed down and did some walking on and off for the next mile. Then it went away. It didn’t hurt like pain that would cause me to stop training, but I think that is my own laziness coming out sometimes. At the slightest uncofrable feeling I tend to stop running.

Morning Run

The goal was 4 miles. Once I hit my weight goal and body fat percentage goal then I am going to start to work on my speed. For now, I am going to keep it simple and just focus on getting the miles.

Ran 4 miles at  11:33 pace for 46:40 minutes.

Orange Theory Fitness  8:00 pm

Tonights worked seemed like one of those workouts that just got by super fast. Didn’t feel like I was working for an hour.



MILES RUN  1.75 @ 12 min pace

Tuesday 23rd

Orange Theory Fitness  7:00  am

Todays an only OTF workout. Hell week starts tomorrow, you can check out my Vlog about hell week here. Taking a 7am class after taking an 8 pm class the night before is always interesting some days I love other days I feel like sleep in. Today I made it to class versus just paying the $12 and skipping. But about 5 minutes into the trademil part of the class I was over it. I kept pushing and ending up getting a good workout it. BUT my inner fatty did not want to keep going.



MILES RUN 2 @12 min pace

Wednesday 24th

The plan was to go on a 6 mile run in the morning, and then head to an evening class at OTF. However, my insomnia kicked it, and between 2am and 4am I was wide awake. One of the most important things that I tell myself is to get enough sleep first before anything else. So I decide to sleep in and skip the 6-mile run… The question must start asking myself is, do you really need that sleep or are you just being lazy?

Orange Theory Fitness 7:00 pm

 HELL WEEK  – Class 1

I had no scheduled run today outside of OTF.

Today’s class was burpees from hell. When on the floor for the first part of my workout you had 23 minutes of non-stop burpees.  Then when I moved to the treadmill, it was on and off run. The class was hard but so much fun, and I started to notice over the last few classes that I feel stronger when doing push-ups. I have never felt that way before but its the first time I am seeing how much stronger I am feeling.



MILES RUN 2.25 @ 9 min pace.

Thursday 25th

Orange Theory Fitness 7:00 am

HELL WEEK – Class 2

I woke up not wanting to go to class, but I forced myself to go so I can earn the t-shirt. Sometimes I think to myself the silly things that we do to push ourselves to go. I am hoping that I can get to the point that I look forward to going and sticking with the training. The class was a partner workout, and we had to row while I partner did floor exercises, then a run for distance. However long it took for them to work through the exercises and run, is how long we were on the rower. It was a fun workout, but towards the last 10 minutes, I noticed that we could make it to the leaderboard.

Since I am still struggling in embracing my inner “jock,” and I have that nerd/non-athlete mindset I never would push hard to be on a leaderboard on anything. Yet I noticed we were close and if I just closed my eyes and pushed I could help get us on the leaderboard. At the end of the workout I was on the floor and when I walked over to the rower to see where we ended it was the furthers anything had rowed that day at my studio. I was part of a team that made it to number one! It felt amazing!  I can’t wait to see myself stick to this and learn to keep improving myself.



MILES RUN .6 @ 8 mile pace

Friday 26th

Orange Therapy Fitness 7:00 am

 Hell Week – Class 3

Today was “haunted hills” at OTF. I spent the first part of the workout working on biceps, triceps, and chest. Currently not sore but I am 1000% sure I will feel it tomorrow. It was the firsts OTF workout that I was not in a higher heart rate zone from the start of class.

I then moved to the treadmill, and we started at 10% incline and ran a quarter a mile, then get off and do 25 squat type exercises. Then you jump back on the treadmill and moving to 9% incline then run another quarter of a mile, then get off and do more exercises. This connotes for the 25 minutes. I ended up getting to 6% of the incline. I decide to not push my self to hard on the treadmill because of the half marathon I am running on Saturday 27th.


CALORIES BURNED – 768 (a really low day for me)

MILES RUN 1.25 @ 12 mile pace

Saturday 27th

I ran The Halloween Half, click here for the race review.

During the half-marathon, my arms became very sore due to the OTF work out from Friday. No part of my body seemed sore outside of my arms.

Sunday 28th 

Took today off.

Thoughts on the Week

It feels like it been a long week. Maybe because of hell week at OTF and running a half-marathon in the middle of it. Overall I am noticing how good I feel when I keep working out. I am hoping that if I keep pushing myself to be athletic that maybe one day I will have that drive to want to work out. But till then I will say that these training blog post and YouTube video is my own accountable to focusing on my health.

Sometimes I think I will need to spend more time on is my inner critic of how I view myself in photos. Sometimes when I look at my body in the mirror I like my body shape. But when looking at the photos and videos of myself running that Halloween Half-Marathon I am shocked with how big I look. I know that everyone says that the camera adds 10 lbs. That doesn’t change how I feel when I see myself. I am hoping that as I focus on working out and eating healthy that I will notice the physical changes I want in my body.

Thanks for reading please leave a commit below if anything from this weeks training log stood out to you.